Sunday, June 15, 2008


Imagine lying on a smooth lawn on the shores of the Pacific, hidden from the public view. Imagine the sun setting in front of you, the wind cool and waves slashing high after hitting the rocks. Imagine that there is a clean sheet below and a warm blanket over you to protect you from the chill.

Now imagine that your love lies beside you in the same blanket, cuddling. Feels great, ain't it ?

What I describe here is not my fantasy but a description of a moment seen with my own eyes, in San Diego.

The sight touched me, both for its beauty and the effort that they put in to make it so special. It was not vulgar.


Subash said...

I too feel the same thing while visiting Big sur drive. These pacific beaches are the most beautifull, thoygh provoking and romantic ones.

Agar time hai aur chanc

bp said...

you just made me jealous (and depressed) :)

Aman said...

@subash : very true man

@bp : :) ... thats the way it is man